"I was at the Mar-a-Lago Club Easter Sunday and she happened to be singing, Dawn Marie, and I was asking our President-Elect a question about his stamina and how he keeps his vocal ease going and he kept talking about the lady that was singing on the stage. He said, "Dick you've got to play her on your radio station.".......Leonard Cohen, a spirit and .a soul beyond compare. Leonard Cohen passed away and our friend Dawn Marie will be singing it in the next hour."
On-Air Testimonial from the Founder and Owner of Legends Radio 100.3 FM, Dick Robinson
"I like to think that my Facebook friends are aware of just how discerning I can be when it comes to female singers. Likewise, interpretations of an outstanding piece of work such as Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah", the benchmark recording of which I consider to be that by Jeff Buckley. My lovely friend Dawn Marie has risen to the challenge and produced what I consider to be not simply an excellent performance of "Hallelujah", but one that is complemented with a beautifully produced video. I do hope it brings her much deserved success."
Ron Roberts, President and Creative Director for Connie Francis' Concetta Records
"I hope you enjoy this artistic interpretation of Leonard Cohen's song, "Hallelujah". It follows the story of David and Bathsheba from the Old Testament. It is set to the backdrop of my ancestor's town of Valguarnera, Sicily. It was filmed in The Mother Church where my great-grandparents were married in 1908. We used the "marble arch" (referenced in the song) of my great-grandmother's home. The town was so gracious in allowing us to film in the Casa Museo Caripa and providing wardrobe from centuries past and other historical landmarks including the Cemetary, the Floristella Mine where the horse named "Mafiosa" played a cameo role. Watch closely for little Giacomo Puccini who also makes an appearance at the end!
Thank you Samuele Santuzzo of STUDIO 61 who was in charge of shooting and editing, the master director Alessandro Caiuli, Salvi Designs for styling and make-up artistry, Carlo Bellone for providing the famous balcony, and Casa Museo Caripa. I also wish to thank the people of Valguarnera for their hospitality and generous support of this project. ~Dawn Marie